en.infoglobe.cz » LOCALITIES » Dams » Slapy dam

Slapy dam - Czech republic


Slapy dam
Locality type: Dams
Continent: Europe
State (country): Czech republic
Place: Prague - West district

Nerby the river: Vltava

Slapy-Dam put to silence St.John´s streams for ever

First decision regarding Slapy-Dam construction comes of 1933. At that time, it would be one of so called Štěchoivcedams, however, its realization was postponed. In 1949, the construction was approved again, new project was made, and in the same year the works on draining tunnel. arriving roads and dwelling house started. At the end of 1951, the pier in Třebenice started to be built. Finally, in April 1954, the dam began to be filled up. In October, the first of three turbines of Slapy electric power station, set in motion. In the same year, ship traffic was open. Water work Slapy was terminated in 1955 and forms one of stages of Vltava-cascades.

As most suitable profile for pier-construction. there was chosen river km 91,610 - in a section of former St.John´s streams.

Dam-body is formed with direct, concreted, heavy pier, based on fixed rocky basin. Pier crown has 4 pouring over fields. Electric power station is placed in a bottom of dam body. As to navigation equipment: however, it is not solved on this water work.

All ships up to 2 tonns of weight are transferred by means of special under-carriages, drawn with tractor.

Main purpose of Slapy water-work is to secure water accumulation for:

-         flow increase.

-         orders for electric power station.

-         navigation needs.

-         security of minimal flow for water reservoir in Prague-Podolí.

-         taking of useful water for waterworks purposes in Prague-West district.

This water work is unique with its dispositional arrangement. All spaces of water electric power station, including switch-board space, are placed in pier body direct under (below) overflow fields. This solution enabling to built a dam of these parametres in relatively narrow valley profile, takes with, however, just from its building era, some operating problems (difficulties). In case, if the water is led across overflow points of this water work, it happens that, through chinks (cracks) of overflow points, and  through concrete small water-soaking occur., directly to electric power station space.

Pier length:                  360 m

Length in crown:          26 m

Pier height:                    60 m (over terrain)

Inundated surface:   1392 ha (at maximal swelling up)

Biggest depth:               53 m

Total reservoir volume: 270 mil m³

Photo: Tereza Flašková





Czech republic


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