en.infoglobe.cz » LOCALITIES » Lookout tower » Look out tower Háj near Šumperk

Look out tower Háj near Šumperk

Lookout tower

Look out tower Háj near Šumperk
Locality type: Lookout tower
Continent: Europe
State (country): Czech republic
Place: Šumperk

This construction is placed on top of Háj Hill in an altitude of 631 m of sea level. Look out tower has an interesting history. In 1933, there started preparations for its building by Bohemian Tourists´ Club, and next year, the building was open for public. Its name was Štefanik look out tower. Within 2nd World War, the building was confiscated with German troops, and served as air-force look out tower. After the war was finished, Bohemian Tourist Club took over the bouilding back again (its state was very bad). In 1953, the lightning damage the construction, and successively burned completely down. In 1990, there occured discussions: if it would be better to build new one on the same place. Due to surrounding communities, district town of Šumperk and Eurotel, there was built new building. The look out tower was open for public on 28th September 1996. Its height is 29 metres, and after overcoming of 133 staircases, you can enjoy nice view around Jeseníky countryside.

Opening time:

January and February:            on Saturdays and Sundays      10,00 h - 15,00 h

March and April:                      on Saturdays and Sundays      10,00 h - 16,00 h

May and June:                         on Saturdays and Sundays       10,00 h - 17,00 h

July and August:                     Tuesday-Sunday, except Mondays 10,00 h - 17,00 h

September:                              on Saturdays and Sundays       10,00 h - 17,00 h

October:                                  on Saturdays and Sundays       10,00 h - 16,00 h

November and December:       on Saturdays and Sundays       10,00 h - 15,00 h   

Text: Lenka Fortinová

Photo: Google


Czech republic


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