St. Roch Path

Educational path

St. Roch Path
Locality type: Educational path
Continent: Europe
State (country): Czech republic
Place: Bruntál district

This route leads you mostly along forest  paths, prevailing throughout pine-wood copse. Provided you wish to do excursion with children, you can have a break on small forest children playground. The path follows border-area with Poland. The path makes you an acquaintace with history of this area, informing you about farming in forests. The route is suitable for foot passengers only. The whole tour takes three hours approx. Information tables along the path, could present you more details.

The path starts and terminates at Peter´s cottage. This place is situated in an altitude of 720 metres above sea level. Under top of Biskupska kupa (Bishop Hill), there is to be found stone look out tower, the oldest one in Moravia and Silesia. It is accessible all the time, and you can also have a refreshment here. Signed tourist trail leads up to the top of Biskupska kupa (891 metres). This route is accessible at any time, with the exception of high snow covering in winter.

Route length: 3,6 kms


Czech republic


We were awarded the certificate even thanks to you!

Dôveryhodná firma 2017




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Information and warnings on travelling abroad is to be found HERE.

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