
Locality type: Educational path
Continent: Europe
State (country): Czech republic
Place: Nový Jičín district

Nerby the river: Odra

The route starts in the community of Nová Horka (local quarter of Studénka) at former mill, at forest edge. The path leads you throughout important Poodří Protected Countryside Area. In spring, you can find in forests big choice and offer of herbs. In general, you can make acquaintance with many plants and animals. Local ponds are rich on presence of water birds. The birds who transfer here in spring and during autumn, make a stop here. Further, you can see on ponds´ water level very rare sorts of plants. Nevertheless, if you visit this area in whatever season time period, you would be captivated with meandring windings of Odra-river. In a season, when water basin is full of water, many sorts of insects are moving above this area. On Odra water, you can watch swimming leaves, where an interesting animal, green frog  is moving. On meadows, you can watch tree-frog. The path could be visited all year round, without any limitation. On the route, you find 10 stops.

Route length:  3,6 kms


Czech republic


We were awarded the certificate even thanks to you!

Dôveryhodná firma 2017




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