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Teplice spa - Czech republic

Teplice spa
Locality type: Spa
Continent: Europe
State (country): Czech republic
Place: Region of Ústí, Teplice district

Spa Teplice (in Bohemia) is situated below tops of Iron Ore Mountains, northwest part of Czech Republic, Ústí Region, in an altitude of 225 metres above sea level. The history of this spa comes to 12th century, and is ranked with oldest spas of Central Europe. You can see from archaeological findings that thermal healing springs were known to our ancestrors just since 8th century. As a prove, there exist coins, discovered and found in old springs, as a form of thanks. First spa houses were built in 16th century. Nevertheless, Teplice undergone greatest boom in 1793, after big fire. At that time, new balneological houses were constructed, and spa got, together with a town, boastful character. As a main treatment source, there are nature, weakly mineralized thermal springs, welling up from depths 50-975 metres, at a temperature relating to 29-44 °C, containing natrium hydrocarbonic, natrium sulphate, fluoride and also radon moderately, the effects of which are suitable for procedures and drinking cures. However, from original 14 springs, there are used only two sources at present. Another source of treatment procedures is based on local peat bog. Recovering stays are recommended at treatment of moving apparatus, circular apparatus and after-opeartions´states. The visitors of Teplice Spa could use, except of baths and massages, relax programmes in Medical Wellness, cryo-therapy in Polarium, or make acquintance with rich history and nature places of interest.

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