en.infoglobe.cz » LOCALITIES » Vinařice Hill

Vinařice Hill - Czech republic

Vinařice Hill
Locality type: Educational path
Continent: Europe
State (country): Czech republic
Place: Kladno district

This countryside is covered with virgin forests. Great volcano is a great dominanta of this country. In north direction, there are to be seen several volcanic peaks, which flinged up ash or red-hot lava. Afterthat, when the volcano died down, hot mineral springs flew up.

The minerals which dissolved here, became crystallized, and so, nice mineral stones could be found during mining in quarries. Vinařice Hill belongs to best investigated volcans in our country. In environs of the town of Kladno, there were to be found also some mines of black coal. When the miners digged through, in order to look for the coal, they reached below the volcano. So, the lava changed the coal in nature coke. There were found also rests of trees, which fell down into clefts in the earth.

At present, a part of Vinařice Hill is strictly protected. The path leads you through places, where the walk is safe. The walls of old quarries are not secured, so the stone could fall down. You can find here a lot of plants communities. On volcanic ash, the soil is very nutritive, and it is covered with hornbeam forest. Even the moufflons were settled here. They are able to find favourable hiding-place inside dense afforested copse. 

If you wish to collect some mineral stones, you turn away the path and walk in east direction from main peak into local greatest quarry. Along the path, there are nine stops altogether. However, you are recommended not to walk here after heavy rains or in winter, when the path is full of snow.

Route length: 2,5 kms


Czech republic


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