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Slovakia: Limbach - wine tradition near Bratislava

Published: 22.9.2011
Autumn is the period of culminating works in the fields, orchards and vineyards as well. Right to the one of the typical wine-growing communities in the vicinity of Bratislava we are visiting today.

The village Limbach lies at the foot of Small Carpathians mountain range a bit out of conventional tourist routes - with the exception of the Small Carpathian Wine Road, which joins the traditional winery villages and towns in the vicinity of Bratislava. The village lives about two thousand people, this number will be grow probably, because such a small villages near the Slovak capital has become sought after locations for the construction of holiday and new houses, mainly for wealthier local people. By the way just in Limbach has a house such as the current Slovak president.


The name of the village has two forms of interpretation, which are common only German word basic "bach" is a brook, and tree name. The opinions of historians are different.  According to some of them it was type of pine tree – “limba”, as confirmed by the figures in the municipal coat of arms, according to others however it was the German phrase "lindenbach", the linden stream. The fact remains that since 13 century until the end of World War II in Limbach people were spoken mostly German.  In the Middle Ages the settlers of German and Austrian ends were invited by Hungarian rulers, to re-inhabited the territory, what was ransacked Tatar invasions. Limbach village, belonging to the estate of the nobility in the nearby Pezinok and St. Jura, was one of such examples.

Church LimbachLimbachLimbach

The arrival of new residents had crucial importance for the further economic development, because except the original wood chopping, burning of coal or mining, the new settlers brought the new skills - milling, and especially wine growing and wine production. It brought fame to the village and today is an integral part of the village.

School of LimbachChurch of Limbach

From the historic buildings in the village are important two churches mainly. In the middle of the village is “shining” white evangelical church with its tower, which attracts an inscription in German and Slovak language "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott - Castle strong enough is the Lord our God". The second church would hardly deny its Gothic origin, and we will found it to at the upper end of the mature trees near the cemetery. It is interesting that the church is only in the Slovak Republic which is dedicated to the English saints St. Theobald, patron charcoal burners.


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