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Region of Ústí - Czech republic


Its border is formed from prevailing part by mountain range of  Krušné hory (Ore Mountains) with the biggest peak of Klínonec (1244 m).

Basic information about region





HazmburkKrušné hory  are passing on North to Labské pískovce (Elbe Sandstones). You can admire here passes, towers and unique „rock towns“ built by original inhabitants. This region belongs to those protected and  names National Park of Czech Switzerland. The favourable geological conditions in this area caused that in the old era of Stone Age the bands of mammoth- hunters  there were living, and  later the  farmers colonized the valleys of Ohře and Elbe rivers.

The part of this region form also České středohoří (Czech Hills) with biggest point of Milešovka (837 m) created by volcanic activity.

PloskoviceThe region of Ústí is the most industrial region of Czech Republic. Thanks to this fact there are worse ecological conditions compared to the other regions. On the other hand, there  is active „spa traffic“. Visitors at health-resorts or tourists can stay in Mšené lázně, Teplice or Dubí  and take advantage of salutary results of mineral springs.

We can recommend, especially to the sportsmen,  the places like Klínovec, Bouřňák and Krušné hory for excellent conditions for skiing. On the other hand, the lovers of cycling can use the path along Elbe, and the tourists the excursion to Labské pískovce (Elbe Sandstones),Czech Switzerland. The otherLibochovice monuments, worth to visit, are for instance: the unique fortress town of Terezín, rotunda of St.George on memorable mountain of Říp,

the monument of Přemysl-Ploughman in Stadice, Střekov, Hněvín, Hazmburk, Kadaň-castle, the castles in Klášterec/Ohří, Krásný Dvůr, Libochovice and Duchcov.

If you prefer bathing and water-sports, do not forget to visit the dam of  Nechranice, Kamencové jezero, inundated  mine Barbora near to Oldřichov or Aquapark in Klášterec/Ohří.


Photo: K. Svobodová





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