River Opatovice canal - Czech republic

spring (source):
flow length:
29 km

Basic information about river

river sections






Water stages


Bohdaneč spa
Published: 10.4.2008
First written notice of Bohdaneč comes from 1343, nevertheless, historians are of the opinion that the community was founded earlier, the exact period is not stated.

Spa BohdanecThe town of Bohdaneč reached its biggest development under rule of Wilhelm of Pernstein. He bought this dominion in January 1491for 33 thousands of theree scores of Bohemian pennies. The communion obtained important privileges, and handicrafts as well as trade started to succeed. Fisheries industry became  most important contibution in trade, created just by Wilhelm of Pernstein. Up to now, there were preserved 44 ponds. At the end of 19th century, the town passed an expressive change. Jan Veselý (he was leaseholder of Bohdaneč) founded  mud-baths here. During test-works of this „novelty“ in 1897, spa-Spa Bohdanecservices were used by 70 patients. Consequently, the interest increased, and as  the promoteur Jan Veselý was really live wire, he bought a bus of Laurin and Klement brand, and he introduced - in 1908 - the first regular bus line. The bus travelled between towns of Bohdaneč and Pardubice.

Bohdaneč was declared  as a town in 1971 and its official name „Bohdaneč Spa“ was granted by respective authorities since 1st March 1980. At present, the spa services (mud-baths, electro-cure, water-cure and inhalations) are uased with more than 7000 visitors in a year.

Spa BohdanecBohdaneč is surrounded with extent pond-sets, this fact was mentioned above. We wish to add that you can find here a National Nature Reservation of Bohdaneč Pond and Matka (Mother) Pond, at space of nearly 250 ha. In this area, ther are places many mud-meadows, forests and vast reeds areas. Here are nesting many sorts of water and marsh-birds. Ponds with environs are a house place of many protected and menaced sorts of plants as well as animals. As to mycology: Spa Bohdanecthere was found more than 300 sorts of mushrooms.

Provided you intend to visit this area, do not hesitate, direct in reservation it is prepared for you an instructive path 7,25 kms long, with six stops and information tables. This path is parallel with cycloroute No. 4040. So, if you arrive her, by cycle or on foot, and have good luck (probably during birds´ draw) you can see and admire - for instance, sea-eagle, white heron, great cormorant or sedgewarbler.


Text: Štěpánka Svobodová

Photo: Wikimedia Commons, Zp, Zirland, Palickap, č.2, č.3 



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