River Morava - Czech republic

spring (source):
The river sources under top of Kralický Sněžník in an altitude of 1380 m of sea level.
flow length:
329 km

Basic information about river

river sections






Water stages


ZOO Olomouc
Locality type:
Zoo and botanic gardens

ZOO Garden Olomouc was open for public in 1956. In garden area, there is to be found modern metal look out tower. In 2007, ZOO Garden Olomouc was declared, from point of view of visitors, as most popular place in Region of Olomouc.



In 1950, provisional Zoo-corner in Smetana Orchard, was founded in Olomouc city centre.

Here, there were to be found deers, peacocks, roe-deers, parrots and pheasants. Later, Reginal National Commmittee decided, as a consequence of great interest of visitors, to enlarge this corner. So, several projects were worked out. In 1952, Biological Society chose, together with preparatory committee, a locality in Svatý Kopeček (Holy Hill). Since May 1952, the preparation works were effected.

ZOO Garden was solemny open for public on 3rd June 1956. In 1958, there were settled here exotic animals, such as monkeys and cats-beast of prayers. During mission of Mr. Jaroslav Rychlý, there were founded  here workshops, garages and magazines, including look out tower and immense aviary bird cage, and spaces for monkeys and deers. Within 1980, the reconstruction of mostly older buildings was effected, and ZOO Garden was enlarged in pavillon of hyenas. In 1990, pavillon for giraffes was finished, pavillon for beast of prayers was modernized and new aquarium for sharks (at volume of 17000 litres) was terminateed.

In 2000, pavillon for bats was built and sharks-aquarium was increased (present volume makes 42000 litres). The ZOO Garden was visited, within 50 years of its existence, more than 10 617 000 persons.


Opening time table:

ZOO Garden is open daily

January, February:   8.00 – 16,00 h

March:                       8,00 – 16,30 h

April-August:             8,00 – 18,00 h

September:                8,00 – 16,30 h

October-December:  8,00 – 16,00 h

Entry fee:

Adults:                                         CZK 70,-

Children, students, pensioners:  CZK 50,-

Text: Václav Zamba

Photo: Google


Czech republic


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