Region of Central Bohemia - Czech republic


As to its area belongs to bigger regions. It is situated in  centre of Bohemia, fully surrounding Prague, the capital.

Basic information about region






CZ: Dobříš - A Lokality Under Austrian Supermacy - VIDEO
Published: 13.9.2011
The town of Dobříš is located approx.50 kilometres from Prague. Local Chateau is an attractive stop for tourists who pass by.

Dobříš is the second biggest town of Příbram district, where eight and half thousands of inhabitants are living. Mírové Square is a centre of all local life, however, it is rather tasteless organized.

It looks like standard street, quite busy (where many vehicles pass in direction to Prague to effect the job there). On the other side, bus station is placed, where the platforms fulfill a most of space.



A history hidden in shade of dwelling houses

If the houses, hidden in background, were able to speak they would say something about ancient history of this small town. Non-overlooked dwelling houses are erecting above. However, these constructions always overshadow all nice things, remained from past. To tell the truth, this complex is to be found in one or some quarters only, so, it does not touch a lot historical nucleus. Even local department store does not add anything to total beauty of the locality.


Except all monuments, situated on the square, a local Town Hall could be found there. This inconspicious but rather nice building could be overseen easily. It is quite low and even a space around is not too wide. Only a small tower with o´clock on its roof presents all houses around something, like that. „It´s me, I am local leader!“

On this place, wooden town hall was placed since 1666. The building was decorated with arcades, and around its first floor, a balcony was situated. Nevertheless, in 1820, the officers decided to demolish it and substitute with building built in brick, otherwise, it would burnt out,  for sure. And if this would not happen so, it would be obviously an exception, as all important buildings burnt in past always, especially those wooden ones.  It is a mystery that  big fire which caught nearly the whole town in 1720, avoided this town hall but this was not a case of the chateau. 



A bit of Austria in Bohemia

Dobříš Chateau  is a right reason, why to visit this town. Even this name lets to suspect, who could be its owner. It is no Czech or Czech State. The owner of former „Home of Czechoslovak Writers“ is in ownership of Austrian citizen.



If we ignore a part of history, i. e. traditional scenery with a big fire, mentioned above, so, we do not describe, how local people run with water and firemen had an accident, before arriving on spot, so they came late, and so, the castle was completely destructed in the meantime, so, our describtion regarding castle´s history would be standard, except some details.

The first one, most important, came in 1676. At that time, Frank Maxmilian Mannsfeld let to reconstruct original stronghold into something more luxurious. The castle was destructed, the reason for such fact could be any.

New era came with vast project in 1745. Eleonora, widow after dead Charles Frank Adam Mannsfeld, bored lady with staying in provisional lodgings, let to work this project.


Another boundary mark came in 1942 with Germans. At that time period, the chateau was a property of German Third Reich. After 1945, the Communists changed the Germans. The Chateau was delared as a „Home of Czechoslovak Writers“. Later, the year 1998 decided definitely that this property was returned to private owners.

Now, the chateau is very pleasant, but rather conservative place, where the waiter does not hesitate any second, to light cigarette a lady, and shortly afterthat to serve a meal of not so first quality. But attention: this is also a place where the gate-keeper, settled in a cabin with  barriere, asks you in unpolite way to pay the entry fee amounting to CZK 25, if you wish to enter marvellous French Park.

Text/photo/video: Klára Svobodová

Translation: ing. Jan Jonáš

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